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Saturday, February 18, 2006

The New Lara Croft: Karima Adebibe

Eidos has announced a new spokesmodel for Tomb Raider's sequel. Her name is Karima Adebibe and is 20 years old from London who has been chosen as the new international face of Lara Croft action hero. She was chosen from more than thousand applications. "Karima has all the assets needed to accurately portray the world's favorite female action hero" said Matt Gorman, the Brand Controller for Tomb Raider. "Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend sees Lara at the very height of her powers so this makes Karima the 7th and most important Lara Croft yet." Tomb Raider: Legend will get released on April 11 for PS2, Xbox and PC Versions. [Via IGN/I4U]
