The Loc8tor Update
Tech Ticker had recently blogged about a gadget which will able to locate your lost belongings. Now here's some more information for the fellow readers. Firstly Loc8tor will come in two variants, the Loc8tor and the Loc8tor plus. The differences between both of them are that Loc8tor plus has a Locate and Alert mode, more tags and comes with 2 AAA batteries.
So you would be thinking how does this work? Well it works with tags. Tags and Menu are pictured on the right. Tags are smaller than a postal stamp. It is very easy to attach the tags with anything and this also has two variants. One is the Mini homing tag and the other one is the Panic Homing tag. The Mini homing tag has a LED and an alarm to alert you whenever your tagged item is lost. The other one is the Panic Tag. This can be useful when a child needs his parents, he just activates it and the parents know that they are needed. Loc8tor will sound an Alert alarm and also a vibration.
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